Actually, due to technical difficulties, this show never happened. It’s been postponed until Saturday, 9/24…
On Expanding Awareness tomorrow morning, Victor and his guest will be discussing The Hopi Prophesies of 2012. This has been a perennial subject for years, having to do with the end date of a particular cycle in the Mayan calendar. According to researcher Joseph Robert Jochmans, “Both the Hopis and Mayans recognize that we are approaching the end of a World Age… In both cases, however, the Hopi and Mayan elders do not prophesy that everything will come to an end. Rather, this is a time of transition from one World Age into another. The message they give concerns our making a choice of how we enter the future ahead. Our moving through with either resistance or acceptance will determine whether the transition will happen with cataclysmic changes or gradual peace and tranquility.” Always an interesting subject with many different opinions, and until recently, rather far away. Right, not so much anymore. What do you think is going to happen? Anything? Nothing? Tune in and call up to discuss. They’re at 90.3FM in the Boston area (the interview begins at 10am), or this show can be heard after the fact on the WZBC Archive. All of ‘ZBC’s shows are online for two weeks.
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