From Paris-based indie label Roy Music comes some mighty impressive music from Talisco, who have just released their debut album, Run. I’m not sure what to make of this rather disturbing and haunting short-film (see below), but I have no doubts whatsoever about their music, which is exuberant, exhilarating and in places, breathtaking. There’s an expansive Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros/Of Monsters and Men aesthetic, steeped in traditional folk, but with an electro sort of candy coating. Pretty spectacular and quite addictive, actually.
I see now that Talisco is actually a French singer-songwriter, which makes this a solo project and all the more remarkable.
As for purchasing his music, I’m not sure about that iTunes France link above. You might want to try the Roy Music store, where you can purchase the debut album and also the first EP, My Home.
If you’d like to catch one of his/their shows, I’m afraid that for the time being, you’ll have to live in France, Switzerland or Germany. But if you do live in one of those places (or are visiting on holiday this summer) see the complete schedule. And definitely keep an eye (and ear) out for this one.
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