screams, whispers and songs from planet earth

Tag: Sophia Cacciola

Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling Forsake Boston for L.A. – Bon Voyage!

::: Give them a raucous send-off at the Middle East Downstairs TONIGHT! :::
with special guests Psychic Dog, Endation, and Petty Morals – plus drummer Jess Townsend

Those of you who follow the Boston music scene will already know that the dynamic duo of Sophia Cacciola and Michael J. Epstein, two of the area’s creative luminaries, will soon be packing up to move west to Los Angeles. Before that happens, though, they have a special going-away party at the Middle East Downstairs — and they’ve given us a lovely going-away gift.

First, the show. They’ll be joined tonight (June 23) by special guests and friends Psychic Dog, Endation and Petty Morals, and drummer Jess Townsend will join them onstage.

As for the gift, it’s a shiny new three-song EP called In The Village. It’s very pretty, moody, ethereal and dark. How’s that for an endorsement!? Could this be a new direction for the band? Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

For everyone who has been following along, DNFMOMD is devoted to the 1960s British television series The Prisoner — hence their name and their raison d’être. The first two tracks of the EP are, in fact, episodes 13 and 14 in their Prisoner project and the third track is an absolutely hilarious and quite wonderful cover of Loverboy’s “Working for the Weekend.” Because, you know, Loverboy.

Check out their features on Boston Emissions on WZLX and Vanyaland And if you can, join them at the show!

Safe travels and best of luck, Sophia and Michael. We’ll miss you!

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Sarah Rabdau and Sophia Cacciola Take on Shakespears Sister

Two of Boston’s “leading ladies,” Sarah Rabdau and Sophia Cacciola (of Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling), have teamed up for a passionate and hilarious remake of the 1990s classic “Stay” by Shakespears Sister. Not only is the cover itself spot-on (and seemingly made for these two), but the video… Have a look at Sarah and Sophia’s version and the original below. Campy magnificence.

Other Sarah Rabdau and Self-Employed Assassins news: their new album “Free As Thieves” can be heard (and purchased) on bandcamp, and they recently covered fellow Boston Band Dead Cats Dead Rats’ song, “No God In Massachusetts,” which can be heard here. Sarah also joined Lifestyle for a Thomas Dolby cover of “Cruel”. As for Sophia, I believe her next appearance may well be with the Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library on January 13 for the Encyclopedia Show at the Davis Square Theater. What with DFMOMD, the MJEML, Darling Pet Munkee and Space Balloons, it’s tough to keep up, but you can visit her official site and add yourself to the mailing list.

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Seeing Out The Year That Was: My 12 Favorite Shows of 2012

A last minute addition: The Magnetic Fields at Symphony Hall for First Night (last night)

A last minute addition: The Magnetic Fields at Symphony Hall for First Night (last night)

It’s a good thing I held off posting this, because I’ve just made it an even dozen in honor of the year that just flew by, 2012. The last one? A band I had the immense pleasure of seeing for the first time, on First Night just last night at the majestic Symphony Hall. [Why do they call it “First Night”? Shouldn’t it be “Last Night”?]

I saw a total of 24 shows this year. Not a whole lot for a music blogger, but I’ll tell you—nearly all of them were spectacular. That’s damn good odds. I’ve heard some people say that 2012 was an awful year. What I’ll say, from my personal perspective, is this: 2012 was a year of massive challenges and difficulties, but the rewards, if you were prepared to step up, and I mean step up in a major way, were equally impressive. It was most definitely not a year for lightweights. But it’s all moving forward, and it’s moving forward quickly. Hold on to something sturdy, because I have a feeling 2013 is going to be just as intense. Remember, with challenge comes opportunity. Happy New Year, everyone.

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How will you spend your Last Day On Earth?

It seems like only yesterday I was wandering around Copley Square wearing my 2012 glasses, taking in a spontaneous Hare Krishna First Night celebration and eating strange little packaged treats handed out by devotees. At that time, the long-anticipated, mysterious Mayan Prophesy was this curious notion still comfortably off in the distance. I decided on that heady evening that I would spend 2012 as if the prophesy were in fact true—that everything would end on December 21. We’re often told that we should always live our lives as if each day were to be our last. So, facing what may have been the final year of my life, or at least the last stretch before some sort of cataclysmic event, did I spend each waking moment in the most meaningful way possible? Did I push myself to the outer limits? Did I reach for the stars in terms of productivity and my search for enlightenment? No, not exactly.

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Tomorrow is Crazy Thursday – Get Thee To A Rock Show!

(clockwise from top left: Brown Bird, Space Balloons (a.k.a. Michael J. Epstein and Sophia Cacciola), Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Somerville Symphony Orkestar, and The Human League

(clockwise from top left: Brown Bird, Space Balloons (a.k.a. Michael J. Epstein and Sophia Cacciola), Kurt Vonnegut Jr., Somerville Symphony Orkestar, and The Human League

Every so often the stars align and we have an auspicious evening on our hands here in Boston. Tomorrow night is such a night. You have (among other things), the choice between old-time-folky Brown Bird (whom I can wickedly highly recommended, after having seen them at the Newport Folk Festival) along with Coyote Kolb and Mister Sister; a multimedia extravaganza in tribute to the immensely brilliant (and my favorite author), Kurt Vonnegut Jr; and a time-travel adventure back to the ’80s with The Human League and Men Without Hats (bring along your big hair).

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Review: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling: Questions Are A Burden To Others

You can say that Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling has a thing for British cult classic TV show The Prisoner. After all, they’re named for its 13th episode. Their debut release last year, The New Number 2 (referencing one of the show’s characters) featured tracks such as “Episode 1: Arrival” and Episode 2: Dance of the Dead” (actual episodes). Their new EP, Questions are a Burden to Others (taken from a sign in the first episode, the rest of it being “answers a prison for oneself”) continues on this curious theme.

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The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library, Volume 1 (not a book review)

Professor Epstein and his librarians (photo by Kelly Davidson)

Professor Epstein and his librarians (photo by Kelly Davidson)

The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library is the sort of band (yes, it’s a band) that makes one nostalgic for the Baroque Era. Ah, those were some heady days, weren’t they? It all started when Prof. Epstein (of Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, Neutral Uke Hotel, The Motion Sick, The Positronic Rays, and oh yes, he actually *is* a Professor of Audiology – and a scientist) decided last year that he wanted to do something different. He’d conduct an experiment, gathering together a large group of musicians (through advertisements on Facebook and on Craigslist, which sounds scary enough in itself), with the stipulation that they never before performed in a rock band, and would put together a rock band. Or rather, a Baroque-pop orchestra. Make that an all-female (well, except for him) Baroque-folk-alt country-pop orchestra. When he first advertised this new ensemble, I vaguely recall seeing the facebook page and band name, and thought that it might be some kind of geeky music archival project he was starting. Not even close.

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