screams, whispers and songs from planet earth

Tag: Radar Bros

The Radar Brothers release “Eight” & Show @ the Echo in L.A. tonight!

The awesome Los Angeles-based The Radar Brothers just released their new album Eight a few days ago, and they’ve been playing a few ‘release parties’ on the West Coast. Tonight, they’re at the Echo in Los Angeles (with Babies on Acid and Young Unknowns) and well yeah, I’m in Boston, but I’d like to commemorate this anyway.

The music is lovely—pleasantly psychedelic, daydreamy, wistful, lyrical and in places kinda dark and brooding. What more can one ask for? For the time being, you can listen to the entire thing on the Merge Records site. Oh, and on Friday, Feb. 22, they’re doing an in-store at Fingerprints in Long Beach at 7pm. Awesome record store. Yes, that’s also on the West Coast. C’est la vie.

web | facebook | twitter | Merge Records

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Eastside L.A. Update – February 12, 2010

A few of the bands with new albums out this year: Avi Buffalo (photo by Jeff Antebi); Castledoor; Shadow Shadow Shade (center photo by Alex Gallardo, Los Angeles Times - August 6, 2009); Local Natives (photo by Benjamin Hoste); and The Deadly Syndrome.

A few of the bands with new albums out this year: Avi Buffalo (photo by Jeff Antebi); Castledoor; Shadow Shadow Shade (center photo by Alex Gallardo, Los Angeles Times - August 6, 2009); Local Natives (photo by Benjamin Hoste); and The Deadly Syndrome.

There’s been lots of exciting stuff going on for my favorite Eastside L.A. bands, which I first profiled in my “Silverlake Roundup” – Part One and Part Two. I’ll be including those I have some info. for; if I’m leaving anything out (or got anything wrong), please let me know. Stay tuned for a batch of new bands from – or who regularly play at clubs – in this area (which, to be technically accurate, comprises Silverlake, Los Feliz, Echo Park, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, etc.). But for now, read on…

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Silverlake Band Update! (Part 2) – September 16, 2009

Here’s part 2 of my Silverlake update, featuring such bands as Rademacher, Silversun Pickups The Deadly Syndrome, The Happy Hollows, and The Henry Clay People (and lots more).

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