Apologies; I’ve missed Victor’s last two programs. But you can still catch both of them on the WZBC archive. Two Saturdays ago, he had on Marushka talking about holistic sex in relationships, and this past Saturday was Kirtan with Donna De Lory, including a live performance. Archives of past shows are saved for two weeks.
Victor Robert Venckus presents his Lucid Sounds/Expanding Awareness program on WZBC 90.3 FM (Boston College Radio) every Saturday from 7am – 11am. He begins with New Age, ambient, Native American and world music, with a weekly astrology report from Dietrich Pessin at 9:30 am. Expanding Awareness is at 10am, featuring interviews on paranormal, holistic health, environmental, animal rights and occasionally human rights topics, with listener call-in participation. Victor has been on the air, in some guise or another, since 1975.
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