photo: shot and styled by Emily Westervelt of Bite of Chic
This is rather new for me, as I typically don’t like anything this… upbeat. It must be the unseasonably mild winter we’ve been having here in New England this year, and the fact that spring is just around the corner. Kinda makes you want to break out in joyous song. Ok, so obviously I wrote that first bit a week ago, before our “leap day storm,” and since then, it’s suddenly winter, after all this time. Go figure. Guess I should have posted it when I had the chance. The Los Angeles trio Warm Weather released Dances in June of last year. They just released Looking Through in January. These L.A. kids have a happy, tuneful, light sound, without sounding “lightweight.” Incredibly pretty harmonies, too. Really good stuff. They’re looking to possibly play “house parties” on the East Coast in May, so we’ll stay tuned. It’ll definitely be warmer by then.
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