screams, whispers and songs from planet earth

Tag: Eagle and Talon

The (Infamous) Eastside L.A. 2013 Midyear Round-up! (part I)

College Kids Kim Haden and Malcolm Sosa

College Kids Kim Haden and Malcolm Sosa

Wow, is it July already? Those of you who have been here before will know that I’ve had “a thing” for musicians who live and work on the Eastside of Los Angeles — Silver Lake, Echo Park, Los Feliz, Eagle Rock, etc. — whom I first discovered back in 2008 when I came across this little indie rock band on MySpace called The Airborne Toxic Event. It started with a few of their friends, and as they say, the rest is history. Let’s see what everyone’s up to.

I’ve decided this will be my last round-up, though I’ll continue to try to keep up with my favorites separately, of course. I’m also excited to be taking a long-overdue trip to my “musical mecca” next month and will hopefully be able to catch a lot of these folks in their natural habitat. Musings to follow.

Dearly Departed: unfortunately, two of my favorites are definitely gone — The Union Line and Voxhaul Broadcast. I would give links to their goodbye pages and songs to remember them by, but it appears they’ve both taken down their sites. Bummer. Bands who plan on breaking up this year: please leave something up, ok? Whatever shit happened, you still have fans.

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The Infamous Eastside L.A. 2013 Roundup – part I

(top left to bottom): Nightmare Air, Malcolm Sosa and Kim Haden, Local Natives

(top left to bottom): Nightmare Air, Malcolm Sosa and Kim Haden, Local Natives

Hello fellow Eastside L.A. enthusiasts. It’s been nearly a year since I’ve done this (February, to be exact), so it’s time. My rules for inclusion are as follows: the band has to have had something vaguely resembling an update within the past few months or some clear indication that they have not in fact broken up or gone into semi-hibernation.

By those standards, the following bands are “MIA” and presumed gone (if not, please let me know): Autolux, Death To Anders (but see below) and Just An Animal (formerly Red Cortez; see Harley Cortez and Calvin Love solo projects below).

I have also decided, after this update, to let go of those bands who have defected to Brooklyn (or other parts), but I will of course continue to cover my favorites separately. So without further ado >>

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Eastside L.A. Roundup – What’s going on this year? (part I of II)

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros

Being as how it’s Valentine’s Day, I thought I should show some love for those Eastside L.A. bands I really like (the ones that live and/or play there – you know who you are). Let’s see what you guys have planned for this year. I’m so sorry I’ve neglected you… can you forgive me?

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Eastside L.A. Update – February 12, 2010

A few of the bands with new albums out this year: Avi Buffalo (photo by Jeff Antebi); Castledoor; Shadow Shadow Shade (center photo by Alex Gallardo, Los Angeles Times - August 6, 2009); Local Natives (photo by Benjamin Hoste); and The Deadly Syndrome.

A few of the bands with new albums out this year: Avi Buffalo (photo by Jeff Antebi); Castledoor; Shadow Shadow Shade (center photo by Alex Gallardo, Los Angeles Times - August 6, 2009); Local Natives (photo by Benjamin Hoste); and The Deadly Syndrome.

There’s been lots of exciting stuff going on for my favorite Eastside L.A. bands, which I first profiled in my “Silverlake Roundup” – Part One and Part Two. I’ll be including those I have some info. for; if I’m leaving anything out (or got anything wrong), please let me know. Stay tuned for a batch of new bands from – or who regularly play at clubs – in this area (which, to be technically accurate, comprises Silverlake, Los Feliz, Echo Park, Eagle Rock, Highland Park, etc.). But for now, read on…

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East L.A. Update (to my East L.A. Update)

East L.A. bands visiting Boston (or thereabouts) in October. (top): The Airborne Toxic Event, The Henry Clay People; Silversun Pickups (bottom): The Happy Hollows, Sea Wolf, Red Cortez.

East L.A. bands visiting Boston (or thereabouts) in October. (top): The Airborne Toxic Event, The Henry Clay People, Silversun Pickups; (bottom): The Happy Hollows, Sea Wolf, Red Cortez.

This is an addendum to my recent Silverlake Band Update. Yes, I do realize that most of these upcoming events are in California and this is a Boston blog. I figured I would get everyone really, really familiar with all these names so you’ll know who I’m talking about when they do come here. Meanwhile, perhaps it’ll serve as some kind of invocation.

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Silverlake Band Update! (part 1) – September 15, 2009

Those of you who have been reading this blog for a little while are no doubt aware that I have “a thing” for The Airborne Toxic Event. Through them, I’ve discovered a whole bunch of wonderful bands, who – if not actually based there – are often found playing in clubs in this cool and interesting area of East Los Angeles that includes Silverlake, Los Feliz, and Echo Park. A wide variety of influences, styles and personalities, they share a joy of performing, an absolute lack of pretension, a kind of camaraderie — and oh yeah, they’re all really fucking good as well.

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